Saturday, October 14, 2006

apples 2 ways

brussels sprouts roasted with apples, garlic and bac'n
bazu/penguin chef's caramel apple upside down cake (mine was ugly but tasty)


Renate said...

I'll take ugly upsidedown cake over brussel sprouts any day. Yuck! I HATE brussel sprouts!! Don't your kids know better than to eat them? :)

BTW, I'm posting the recipe for the biscuits.

Anonymous said...

Oh yay you tried the upside down apple cake! I was so impressed with it (even though mine wasn't that pretty either...), especially with the way the cake held up.
Did everyone in your family like it?
By the way, I hope this doesn't make me a nerd, but I love brussels sprouts. Just got some today...

islandgirlshell said...

renate, you crack me up! :) do you dislike all cabbag-y things? i feel that way about canned peas. are you kidding?! my kids don't go anywhere near brussels sprouts! except to try to steal them off the counter before they are cooked and use them as weapons. thanks for the biscuit recipe. can you send me the recipe for the homemade hamburger buns you made last year? if you still have it? thanks! :)

bazu, we all liked the cake alot, especially my 15 yr old son, which is surprising because he doesn't usually go for sweet stuff (i think it's because it was full of apples.) i'm so glad i read your post and got that recipe :) i made another cake today (check my blog.) and i, too, LOVE brussels sprouts! i'm probably a nerd in so many other ways that it doesn't matter :)

Anonymous said...

I never liked brussel sprouts, but I would try this. I bet this dish would win me over.