Sunday, September 27, 2009

quinoa soup, andean potatoes, mote provenzal

More Andean food from Tilcara, Argentina! This time from El Patio restaurant. Quinoa soup, mote provenzal (with garlic and parsley), assorted roasted Andean potatoes (each tastes different), and salad.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Andean potatoes, quinoa, beans, mote

Roasted potatoes (some of the dozen varieties that grow in the Andes), quinoa, beans, and mote (a type of corn). All from La Chacana, a restaurant in Tilcara, Jujuy province, Argentina.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Taiwanese Argentine buffet

A sampling from one of the many vegetarian Taiwanese buffets in Rosario, Argentina (this one on Rioja by San Martin). From left, stewed lentils, sweet and sour TVP, herbed TVP, and roasted veggies.